In case You (stoker) have been charged, but You are not satisfied with the resolution, then You can call our billing department by dialing our toll-free number +1800-674-3751. You have a money back guarantee which means if You are not satisfied with the services within the 14 days, your complete amount will be refunded.
Refunds may be granted up to Fourteen (14) business days from the date of purchase.
After the first 14 business days, have elapsed, a refund request will normally not be accepted unless there are convincing reasons justifying a refund.
During this period, “MBSAP TECHNOLOGY.” will usually require a Customer to provide a satisfactory explanation as to why a refund is merited and why the request was not made earlier. “MBSAP TECHNOLOGY.” will refer the request to the product or service provider before determining whether a refund should be granted.
A product or service provider may decide to give a refund during this period. “MBSAP TECHNOLOGY.” may still consider the validity of refund claims up to a period of 14 days from the date of purchase and may issue a refund at its absolute deliration.
After 14 days purchase is deemed to be final. After a period of more than 14 days since the date of purchase, the transaction will be regarded as final. “MBSAP TECHNOLOGY.” will normally decline to grant a refund, except in special circumstances. It will however pass act dispute or request information on to the relevant product or service provider who may still decide to grant a refund or partial refund