Financial Modeling, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Initial Public Offering Analysis, Technical Analysis, Credit Research, and Business Environment Assessment, etc. helps boost your business efficiency, improve income, and retain sufficient cash flow. It is important that companies work on current market trends, company or industry-specific financial performance, and competitors which will help in bringing ample insights into your business interests.


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    Financial Research Reports Service We Offer

    To expedite your decision-making process, we provide the financial research report services leveraging our decades of experience in the industry. Our keen and skilled research analysts offer custom financial reports as part of the research and analysis service bouquet, designed to meet varied financial data requirements. Our financial research Mbsap services inlcude –

    Financial Modeling

    We use a financial model or a simulation to represent financial reporting data. This complex method involves analyzing various parameters of financial operations and then deriving meaningful data from those which includes assessing expenditures or forecasting a budget. As a financial research services partner, Mbsap provides you smart financial modeling solutions that help you save expenses on hiring in-house staff as well as reduce technology spend considerably.

    Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis

    We utilize this popular method to generate value in a future investment such as an asset, project, or another company. Future expenditures are estimated and are ‘discounted’ to arrive at the present rates of these expenditures. Our DCF analysis reports are particularly designed to find a way to gauge how much investment needs to go into valuing a specific asset, project, or a company. Mbsap has successfully carried out DCF analysis for many financial institutions and has ample experience to carry out complex DCF analysis for you.

    IPO (Initial Public Offering) Analysis

    We carry out IPO analysis to help you analyze the movement of various stocks in a financial market. This also helps you track your stocks as well as your competitors’ stocks. It can give insight into the market performance of a specific company’s stock and the reasons for the up or down movement.

    Credit Research

    We conduct credit research and create specialized reports including capital structure analysis, debt maturity profiles, ratio analysis, debt covenant analysis, risk profile analysis, and balance sheet exposures analysis.

    Technical Analysis

    We help you forecast the future prices of products or services by studying past data – mainly price and volume with our technical analysis reports. Mbsap can carry out extensive technical analysis for you, to help you predict market conditions, financial health, and the pricing decisions for the future.

    Business & Investment Environment Assessment

    To give insight into areas in which a financial institution can take measures – investing in a specific market or divesting from it, introducing new products/services or gearing up for the competition, our financial research services involve exclusive scanning of business and investment environment. Irrespective of the size of the company, assessing the business environment is essential in making critical business decisions and Mbsap aides you with that.