Having an efficient and prompt inbound customer care is as important as having a great product or service. If lately you have been unable to meet the grueling demands of customer support in-house, why not consider mbsap inbound customer support to MBSAP?
Make Mbsap work in 24 hours!
Is billing query draining off a considerable amount of time off your schedule? Do you lack the expertise to effectively handle the billing query? If yes, then Mbsap billing query handling services to a dedicated service provider will help you stay invested in more important functions of your business. You can avail a truly bespoke billing query services with guaranteed satisfaction and no loss of productivity or money.
Billing query handling services from Mbsap can alleviate your concerns about keeping customers informed on the billing process. Whether it is re-ordering, exchange, return, account balance, refund to billing and credit statements we cover a wide range of billing functions that require effective communication with your customers to give them an inside-out understanding of each component invoiced by your billing team.
Billing Query Handling Services We Offer
At Mbsap we understand the everyday challenges faced by small and mid-sized companies that provide subscriptions and products billed quarterly, annually, or bi-yearly basis. To give your customers clear reasoning on the billed services and handling other billing queries can be a challenge especially if your team is less knowledgeable in the billing process. This is the reason why we offer our top-notch billing query handling services. Our services include the following –
Billing Management
- Quick resolution of billing disputes, customer bill inquiries, and complaints
- Providing out of the way support and insights on up-selling activities
Receivables Management
- Payment plan follow-up
- Efficient Full Cost Recovery (FCR) to lessen the cost of payment reminders
- Direct debit process for the protection of revenue
- Facilitating quick payments via credit, debit, and cheques
- Routine follow-up with delinquent accounts
Revenue Assurance
- Ensuring all services rendered is accurately billed to your customers
- Carry out credit audits and maintain audit trails
- Address verification and ensuring FCR
- Account verification and reconciliation process
Billing Query Services Process We FollowMbsap billing query services are here to disrupt the trend by efficiently addressing challenges faced by client-facing companies. Our workflow is considered as transparent and fluid to help you not only understand the amount of effort it takes to professionally handle billing query, but also how we keep your customers happy. Here are simple steps that briefly demonstrates our workflow strategy -
01. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Our ACD system will intuitively assess the call priority and route the call to an available agent
02. Level One Support
In the first level, our telecom service representative (TSR) will respond to the caller to investigate the inbound query
03. Problem Research
Our L1 representative will attempt to resolve the query without further intervention from L2. If the query is unresolved the case will be routed to L2 support
04. Level Two Support
With more advanced knowledge and billing skill, the L2 specialist will attempt to resolve your billing query by considering the relevant inputs sourced from L1 reps
05. Call Return and Feedback Collection
As part of the service level evaluation, we will pose friendly questions to the caller to understand the level of satisfaction achieved with the service
06. Report Creation
We will obtain inputs from inbound callers and convert the same into KPI for analysis and documentation purpose