Are you experiencing difficulties getting reimbursements from the insurance companies? Or, is your in-house AR analysis team struggling to track payments, analyze medical records, and build reports? If so, consider Mbsap accounts receivable analysis services to Mbsap. Dealing with AR requires experience with handling Mbsap claims, denials, appeals, etc. Thus, if your healthcare facility is experiencing low payments, claim refusals or denials, then we can help you.


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    Accounts Receivable Analysis Services We Offer

    Our experience in accounts receivable analysis will help you eliminate your outstanding claims and reduce the volume of claim rejections. Our AR analysis services focus on the reasons behind the low payments and claims rejection. Some of the accounts receivable analysis and follow-ups services we provide are –

    Claims Analysis

    Out of control, non-administrative AR can undermine the most successful practices and can lead to a situation where your facility might not have sufficient funds to pay the staff’s salary. Our team can access the healthcare costs and help you streamline your in-house administrative operations.

    Using the claims data available to them, our team can focus on analyzing the reasons for claim rejections, start the collection process, track customer receivables, and more.

    AR Calling & Follow-up

    With our AR calling services, we can handle day-to-day medical billings, streamline the billing process, and follow up with the payors and patients. We have a special team of collection specialists, who can help you explore all the possible reimbursement methods, including assisting the patients set up payment plans.

    Quality Analysis of Claims

    A medical claim can be rejected or denied for multiple reasons. Some of them may include incorrect diagnosis code, duplicate claim, incorrect billing amount, incorrect/mismatch service code, additional information required, etc.

    When you choose us to offshore accounts receivable analysis services, we will review each claim before submission, maintain claims log, and perform the monthly review. We will do a 360-degree quality analysis of the claims to ascertain that the best practice is followed and you get maximum ROI.

    Reimbursement Reports Generation

    Our AR analysis professionals can create monthly reimbursement reports. It will give you a real-time analysis of your current medical claims’ processing practice and help you find out the best measures to rectify this.